
Jessie J - Price Tag ft. B.o.B.

Price Tag-Jessie J

Seems like everybody’s got a price,
I wonder how they sleep at night.
When the tale comes first,
And the truth comes second,
Just stop, for a minute and

Why is everybody so serious!
Acting so damn mysterious
You got your shades on your eyes
And your heels so high
That you can’t even have a good time.

Everybody look to their left (yeah)
Everybody look to their right (ha)
Can you feel that (yeah)
Well pay them with love tonight

It’s not about the money, money, money
We don’t need your money, money, money
We just wanna make the world dance,
Forget about the Price Tag

Ain’t about the (ha) Cha-Ching Cha-Ching.
Aint about the (yeah) Ba-Bling Ba-Bling
Wanna make the world dance,
Forget about the Price Tag.

We need to take it back in time,
When music made us all UNITE!
And it wasn’t low blows and video Hoes,
Am I the only one gettin tired?

Why is everybody so obsessed?
Money can’t buy us happiness
Can we all slow down and enjoy right now
Guarantee we’ll be feelin
All right.

Everybody look to their left (yeah)
Everybody look to their right (ha)
Can you feel that (yeah)
Well pay them with love tonight

Yeah yeah
Well, keep the price tag
And take the cash back
Just give me six streams and a half stack
And you can keep the cars
Leave me the garage
And all I..
Yes all I need are keys and garage
And guess what, in 30 seconds I’m leaving to Mars
Yes we leaving across these undefeatable odds
Its like this man, you can’t put a price on life
We do this for the love so we fight and sacrifice everynight
So we aint gon stumble and fall never
Waiting to see, a sign of defeat uh uh
So we gon keep everyone moving there feet
So bring back the beat and everybody sing
It’s not about

Yeah yeah
Forget about the price tag




没有哪个星座的家庭观念比巨蟹座强,或许在建立家庭之前的巨蟹们会感情过得十分 不平顺,但是只要建立了家庭,他们的全部心血都会花在家庭的建设上。也许婚后的日子开始要吃些苦头,比如并不富足,比如要面对许多繁杂的事情,但他们是可 以在共同品尝甘苦之中,得到幸福的感觉的人,尤其是进即将跨入四十不惑之年的时候,他们的生活开始变得顺利,幸福的感觉也会加倍地感受到。



双 鱼座的人不论男女,都是属于爱做梦的一类人。虽然有梦想谁都了不起,但是因为一直追逐的梦想大半是不切实际的,因此不管是在感情、事业还是生活上,鱼儿都 会流离失所,虽然鱼儿们乐在其中,但是当静下心来想一想,其实并不是那么地幸福。当晚熟的鱼儿们随着时间的增长,终于变得脚踏实地一些,对待浪漫和幸福的 观点也会发生改变,细水长流的日子虽然乏味,但是会觉得更幸福。



虽 然天秤座的人是优雅的,他们在平时看起来野心并不大,总是自得其乐的样子,是他们年轻时并不局限于这种小幸福,他们想得到的当然是大快乐。不过在拼搏的路 上,也往往要遭遇一些坎坷。有的天秤座会坚持到底,最后他们成功地拥有灿烂的人生,有的则因这样那样的打击,最后会止步,安于平凡。但不管是哪种人,当他 们步入中年,都会参透出人生的另一番意味,最后得到幸福。



作 为对物质要求比较高的金牛座,没有一定的物质作为基础的生活将毫无幸福可言。因此在牛儿们年轻的时候,他们会努力地奋斗,为的是拥有让自己觉得快乐和幸福 的丰富物质。善于理财,并且会一心朝着目标努力前进的牛儿,经过日积月累,事业将有所收获,物质也逐步变得充实,家庭观念强的他们,也在这个时候拥有了小 孩子,一家子的幸福生活也从此相伴。



虽 然双子座们在年轻时的爱好是千变万化的,他们很少能够静下心来一心一意地喜欢一样东西,同时他们也一心追求着自由,不太喜欢被人束缚。但是当一步步接近中 年,随着家庭与孩子都齐齐拥有,早先不愿意被束缚的心此刻会被家庭的责任感所取代,并因为这份责任感而开始改变自己,并且为之去努力奋斗。此时的他们也会 发现,有家庭责任在肩的感觉,其实是极为幸福的。


速度配上冲劲,最好还带点刺激性,对白羊而言分手或甩人,一切快!快!快!,认真向前走什么都不怕,没有什么好犹豫或值得犹豫的。也许新的恋情就在等着,总之下一个好男/女正在前方等着你。他们对甩! 人这件事,可是只会“冲动”、丝毫不懂得“留恋”的。




超级优越感的狮男狮女,是不会容许被别人甩了这种糗衰的事情发生在自己身上的,一觉得矛? Y不对要甩人,也是他先甩掉你,等到你来甩他这是不可能的事,而且别人如果知道是被情人甩掉,那他的脸往哪里摆,这会让他活不下去的啊!

处 女座要甩掉一个人恐怕太不容易,? 茞茪腄B太犹豫、太啰唆,甩人当然没有人家动作快,所以通常是处女被甩的机率大很多,而且他们太多虑了,想这个想那个,甩人怕被砍,怕自己没备胎太寂寞, 总之他们就是想太多了。情人通常是受不了她情感上的洁癖,或是规矩太多,而自动求去的吧!

天秤座优雅平衡特性,一直吸引周围的异性,不管是有夫或有妇都对他保持一定的好感,当然身边的备胎也就时时存在,如果情人你有一丝不轨或是竞争对象出现,可能连解释的机会都没有就说bye bye 啰,有很多人一辈子也不知道为什么被天秤甩了!


人马的花名在外不说,最厉害的是虽然甩了你可是大家还是好朋友,有机会大家一起出来玩更好,况且分手、甩人大家都会、又没有什么大不了的。一切以好玩为? 鴢h,大家在一起开心最重要。不必那么在乎当初是我甩了你,况且这样不是就可以世界大同了吗?

山羊座的甩人名言:“甩开你是因为理性战胜感性”,其实不管! 是为了钱、为了情、为了将来,总之为了自己的利益他们没有做不出来的事情,分手会不会例外,百分百可以确定当然不会!也许是因为太自私或太静,山羊甩人是出名的不回头与不留恋的。

世 界上最善良的情人莫过水瓶了,即使是分手之后或是你甩了他,他们几乎没有怨恨,总是以感动的心来看待这一切,像是有一颗透明的心,所有的人都是 朋友,即使是分手的旧情人也不例外。今生没有作情人的缘分,就当好朋友吧!况且分手后,会再听你心事的旧情人,大概也只有水瓶这样的朋友了。



丁当Della - 很爱过 MV


谢谢当天塌下来 你也会帮我顶着
冰的固执 水才会懂

没有地久没有天长 没有最美的花
只有遗忘 能让眼泪流光

很爱过 很痛过 我们为了彼此而活过
你爱我 拥抱着我 却让我看不见星空
我们都 没有错 没有谁比较寂寞

每当想起你的时候 快乐都比较多
也许快乐 是时间的幽默

很爱过 很痛过 我们为了彼此而活过
你爱我 拥抱着我 却让我看不见星空
我们都 没有错 没有谁比较寂寞

多少天 多少夜 爱一个人很难 爱自己更难

很爱过 很痛过 我们为了彼此而活过
你爱我 拥抱着我 却让我看不见星空
我们都 没有错 没有谁比较寂寞






野蛮指数:92 野蛮口诀:我咬你哦!










如果暗恋是以不让暗恋对象发现而论成败的话,金牛座必定荣登榜首。金牛座最容易暗恋工作/学习上有紧密接触的异性,不展开追求的原因可能是对方早已心有所属或两人的年龄和背景不相配。金牛座可以偷偷地喜欢一个人10年8年,对方 一点都不察觉。





天秤座暗恋初期已经确定自己与暗恋对象不会有结果,认为暗恋只会带来感情的 挫折,所以极力回避自己暗恋的对象。要是暗恋对象反过来示好,小天秤可能会 更痛苦。

被看上的人通常不会知道小天蝎在打自己的主意,除非暗恋对象非常容易手。 天蝎座的暗恋过程会相当漫长,可以默默等上2、3年,直至暗恋对象的恋情出现问题,小天蝎就会突然出现成为恋情的第三者。

人马座看到合适的异性,鼓不起勇气追求对方或者刻意接近对方。对人马座来说 ,暗恋是无从入手或者不能落手的棋局。他们经常徘徊于情爱与放弃之间,不知应否表白爱意。

山羊座享受追求的乐趣大于被追求。他们通常是曾经追求对方可惜被拒,但自己 又无法放弃才会发展成暗恋。山羊座暗恋意志坚定,除非对方名花有主。



范瑋琪-Love & FanFan 最重要的決定 MV


我常在想 应该再也找不到 任何人 像你对我那么好
好到我的家人也被照料 我的朋友 还为你撑腰
你还是有 一堆毛病 改不掉 傲起来 气的仙女都跳脚
可是人生 完美的事太少 我们不能什么都想要
你是我最重要的决定 我愿意 每天在你身边苏醒
就连吵架也很过瘾 不会冷冰 因为真爱没有输赢 只有亲密
你是我最重要的决定 我愿意 打破对未知的恐惧
就算流泪也能放弃 将心比心 因为幸福 没有捷径 只有经营 

你是我最重要的决定 我愿意 每天在你身边苏醒
就连吵架也很过瘾 不会冷冰 因为真爱没有输赢 只有亲密
你是我最重要的决定 我愿意 打破对未知的恐惧
就算流泪也能放弃 将心比心 因为幸福 没有捷径 只有经营

Colbie Caillat - I Do

I Do-Colbie Caillat

It's always been about me myself and I
If all relationships were nothing but a waste of time
I never wanted to be anybody's other half
I was happy to say that our love wouldn't last
That was the only way I knew to that you

You make we wanna say
I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Yeah, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Cause every time before we spend like
Maybe yes and maybe no
I can live without it, I can let it go
Ooh, I did, I get myself into
You make we wanna say I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do,

Tell me is it only me
Do you feel the same?
You know me well enough to know that I'm not playing games
I promise I won't turn around and I won't let you down
You can trust and never feel it now
Baby there's nothing, there's nothing we can't get through

So can we say
I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Oh baby, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Cause every time before we spend like
Maybe yes and maybe no
I won't live without it, I won't let it go
Wooh Can I get myself into
You make we wanna say

Me a family, a house a family
Ooh, can we be a family?
And when I'm old and sit next to you.

And when we remember when we said
I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Oh baby, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Cause every time before we spend like
Maybe yes and maybe no
I won't live without it, I won't let it go
Just look at what we got ourselves into
You make we wanna say I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do,
Love you



有些成长 来自承认


有些成长 来自承认



孙燕姿 愚人的国度 MV【首发·完整版】


我不懂 我不哭 
让我懂 让我哭 
我 唱过 天地荒芜 
借口 不能碰触 
不能自拔 不懂退出 
曾美丽 但还是不满足 
究竟 是笑 是哭
我 穿过一地荒芜 
幸福 不能碰触 
不能自拔 不懂退出 
曾美丽 但还是不满足 
究竟 是笑 是哭 
怎样爱 也还是不满足 
一步一步 自我陷入 
结局 是笑 是哭


孫燕姿《當冬夜漸暖》MV 完整版


很多事情 不是谁说了就算
即使伤心 结果还是自己担
事实证明 幸福很难
我们之间 不是谁说了就算
拉扯的爱 徒增结局的难堪
下一次 会更勇敢 当冬夜渐暖 当大海也不再那么蓝
我们之间 不是谁说了就算
拉扯的爱 徒增结局的难堪
下一次 会更勇敢
当冬夜渐暖 当大海也不再那么蓝
当冬夜渐暖 当青春也都烟消云散
重要的是 我们如何爱过那一段


Mirror Mirror-4 minute

Let's go
4minutes left
4minutes left Ah! Ah!
4minutes left
4minutes left Ah! Ah!
Daeche wae, geuttaen nal, geodeul tteo boji anhgo
Maeil nal, geudaeman, bara boge man deulgo

Oneureun jomdeo yeppeuge na na na nal (oneuldo)
Boyeo jwo neomu meotjin neo neo neo neo neo ege

Geoura geoura I sesange, nuga je il yeppeuni?
Geoura geoura I sesange, naega je il yeppeuni?

Oneul maneun naega jeil yeppeu dago malhaejwo bwa

Neoreul saenggak hamyeon deo
Geo ure bichin, nae moseubeun machi
Neomu yeppeunde, neoneun jakku wae
Dareun saenggakman haneunji, wae nal boji anhneun geonde

Nae geo ura (geoura geoura geoura geoura)
Geo ura (geoura geoura geoura geoura)
Nae geo ura (geoura geoura geoura geoura)
Geo ura (geoura geoura geoura geoura)

Daeche wae, eonjena, bon che man cheman hago
Mae ilbam, neoneun nal, gaseum ttwige man deureo

Eonjena neomu meotjin neo neo neo neo neo
Naegero daga oge deo deo deo deo deo, ma boy

Geoura geoura I sesange, nuga je il yeppeuni?
Geoura geoura I sesange, naega je il yeppeuni?

Cheoeum buteo maeume deureot dago naege malhaejwo bwa

Neoreul saenggak hamyeon deo
Geo ure bichin, nae moseubeun machi
Neomu yeppeunde, neoneun jakku wae
Dareun saenggakman haneunji, wae nal boji anhneun geonde, yeah yeah yeah

Nae geo ura (geoura geoura geoura geoura)
Geo ura (geoura geoura geoura geoura)
Nae geo ura (geoura geoura geoura geoura)
Geo ura (geoura geoura geoura geoura)

Oh mirror shine,
Let me fix my make up
Break it down,
Break it down

Baby I like that,
Baby baby just I like that
Baby I like that,
Baby baby just I like that

Deo deo deo naege bbajyeo deureo,
Shine on my face modu nollaji oh
Geoura geoura I sesange seo,
Nuga jeil yeppeuni? It's me

Jomdeo neo ege, daga gaseo nan
1, 2 step 1, 2 step 1, 2 step

Let's live it up! (Hey! )
Let's make it up! (Hey! )
Nareul bomyeon ni
Maeum heundeullil su itge, whoa

Nae geo ura (geoura geoura geoura geoura)
Geo ura (geoura geoura geoura geoura)
Nae geo ura (geoura geoura geoura geoura)
Geo ura (geoura geoura geoura geoura)
Geoura geoura geoura geoura

[HD][MV] Mr. Taxi PV - SNSD (11.04.28)

Mr Taxi-Girl's Generation

[Taeyeon] Tokyo, Seoul, London, New York
[Taeyeon] Kimama ni sekai wo drive tonight
[Jessica] Kakuchi de hirou suru new style
[Jessica] Mita koto nai mono dake mise tageru
[Tiffany] Hora kotchi wo mite sukoshi keikai seyo!
[Seohyun] Ano hidari handoru yori nan-bai mo
[Sunny] I'm so fast

[All] Mr. Taxi, Taxi, Taxi soutou jeukshi jeukshi jeukshi
[Yoona] Oitsukenai supiido de
[Yuri] Nee tsuite ko reru no?
[All] Mr. Taxi, Taxi, Taxi soutou jeukshi jeukshi jeukshi
[Sooyoung] Hikari kagayaku
[Seohyun] Kedo fure rarenai no
[Tiffany] Masani Supersonic n' hypertonic
[Hyoyeon] Ubatte hoshii no
[Sunny] You take me ima sugu
[All] Mr. Taxi, Taxi, Taxi soutou jeukshi jeukshi jeukshi
[Jessica] Kedo kantan ni
[Taeyeon] Wa ikanai no yo

[Tiffany] Machi no higa marude shooting star
[Tiffany] Tsugi no mokuteki-chi made non-stop
[Seohyun] Enjin-on dake nokoshite dashi boja ushirode de say goodbye
[Sunny] Hora yosomi shinaide bouken seyo!
[Taeyeon] Ano migi handoru yori mo tashika yo
[Jessica] I'm so sure

[All] Mr. Taxi, Taxi, Taxi soutou jeukshi jeukshi jeukshi
[Yoona] Oitsukenai supiido de
[Yuri] Nee tsuite ko reru no?
[All] Mr. Taxi, Taxi, Taxi soutou jeukshi jeukshi jeukshi
[Sooyoung] Hikari kagayaku
[Seohyun] Kedo fure rarenai no
[Tiffany] Masani Supersonic n' hypertonic
[Hyoyeon] Ubatte hoshii no
[Sunny] You take me ima sugu
[All] Mr. Taxi, Taxi, Taxi soutou jeukshi jeukshi jeukshi
[Jessica] Kedo kantan ni
[Taeyeon] Wa ikanai no yo

[Sooyoung] 1, 2, 3 -- here we go!
[Yuri] Doko e de mo jiyuujizai yo
[Sunny] Sou uchuu no hate de sae mo
[Sooyoung] Negai dourina no yo doushite fuan na no?
[Jessica] And I don't know why, and I don't know why
[Tiffany] Tsuite kite yo nee I don't wanna say good bye, goodbye ([Taeyeon] Goodbye. Don't wanna say goodbye)

[All] Mr. Taxi, Taxi, Taxi soutou jeukshi jeukshi jeukshi
[Yoona] Oitsukenai supiido de
[Yuri] Nee tsuite ko reru no?
[All] Mr. Taxi, Taxi, Taxi soutou jeukshi jeukshi jeukshi
[Sooyoung] Hikari kagayaku
[Seohyun] Kedo fure rarenai no
[Tiffany] Masani Supersonic n' hypertonic
[Hyoyeon] Ubatte hoshii no
[Sunny] You take me ima sugu
[All] Mr. Taxi, Taxi, Taxi soutou jeukshi jeukshi jeukshi
[Jessica] Kedo kantan ni
[Taeyeon] Wa ikanai no yo

Bruno Mars - The Lazy Song [Official Video]

The Lazy Song-Bruno Mars

Today I Don't Feel Like Doing Anything
I Just Wanna Lay In My Bed
Don't Feel Like Pickin' Up My Phone
So Leave A Message At The Tone
'Cause Today I swear I'm Not Doin' Anythin'

I'm Gonna Kick My Feet Up
Then Stare At The Fan
Turn The TV On
Throw My Hand In My Pants
Nobody's Gon' Tell Me I Can't

I'll Be Lounging On The Couch, Jus' Chillin In My Snuggie
Click To MTV So They Can Teach Me Howda Dougie
Cause In My Castle I'm The Freakin' Man
Oh Oh

Yes I Said It
I Said It
I Said It 'Cause I Can

Today I Don't Feel Like Doing Anything
I Just Wanna Lay In My Bed
Don't Feel Like Pickin' Up My Phone
So Leave A Message At The Tone
'Cause Today I Swear I'm Not Doin' Anythin'
Nothin' At All

Woo Hoo Ooh
Woo Hoo Ooh Ooooh Ooh Ooh

Nothin' At All

Woo Hoo Ooh
Woo Hoo Ooh Ooooh Ooh Ooh

Tomorrow I'll Wake Up Do Some P90X
Meet A Really Nice Girl Have Some Really Nice Sex
She's Gonna Scream Out "This Is Great!" (Oh My God! This Is Great!)


I Might Mess Around, and Get My Collage Degree
I Bet My Old Man Would Be So Prouda Me

But Sorry Pops You'll Just Have To Wait
Oh Oh

Yes I Said It
I Said It
I Said It 'Cause I Can

Today I Don't Feel Like Doing Anything
I Just Wanna Lay In My Bed
Don't Feel Like Pickin' Up My Phone
So Leave A Message At The Tone
'Cause Today I swear I'm Not Doin' Anythin'

No I Ain't Gonna Comb My Hair
'Cause I Ain't Goin' Anywhere
No No No No No No No No No

I'll Just Strut In My Birthday Suit
And Let Everything Hang Loose
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah

Yes I Said It
I Said It
I Said It 'Cause I Can

Today I Don't Feel Like Doing Anything
I Just Wanna Lay In My Bed
Don't Feel Like Pickin' Up My Phone
So Leave A Message At The Tone
'Cause Today I swear I'm Not Doin' Anythin'
Nothin' At All

Woo Hoo Ooh
Woo Hoo Ooh Ooooh Ooh Ooh

Nothin' At All

Woo Hoo Ooh
Woo Hoo Ooh Ooooh Ooh Ooh

[M/V]레인보우(Rainbow)Full HD "A"



Just U'r Collection Line
Ez Access Line Seuseuro maein AAAA
Geureohke gathyeoseo ssahin
Ni gipsukhi paein
Naaa~ Naaa~ Naaa~ Oh!

Geuseo gamchul ppuniya heosulhan pojange
Huljjeok sumgyeobeorin neoeui hyeonlanhan seutail
Heouljongeun heosang ilppun jinshili dweol su eopseo
Neol naeri nureugo tto joreugo mweol moreugo tto barago isseo

A! Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Woo~
Just A! (A!) Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Woo~

(Love) Geuge heunhani
(Love) Sarangi heunhani
(Love) Swipge da Change A Love Garata garata Oh
(Love) Jeogeodo neomaneun
(Love) Sesange neomaneun
(Love) Sojunghi yeogil su itgil itgil

Just U'r Collection Line
Ez Access Line Seuseuro maein AAAA
Geureohke gathyeoseo ssahin
Ni gipsukhi paein
Naaa~ Naaa~ Naaa~ Oh! Oh!


A! Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Woo~
Just A! (A!) Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Woo~

Geujeo seotul ppuniya dukkeoun hwajange
Hankkeot mudhyeobeorin neoeui jinshildweon mam
Mamil gateun wiseonilppun yeonghweonhi gal su eopseo
Neol naeri nureugo tto joreugo mweol moreugo tto barago isseo

Geuge heunhani

(Love) Geuge heunhani
(Love) Sarangi heunhani
(Love) Swipge da Change A Love Garata garata Oh
(Love) Jeogeodo neomaneun
(Love) Sesange neomaneun
(Love) Sojunghi yeogil su itgil itgil

Just U'r Collection Line
Ez Access Line Seuseuro maein AAAA
Geureohke gathyeoseo ssahin
Ni gipsukhi paein
Naaa~ Naaa~ Naaa~ Oh!

Ttokbaro nareul baraborago
Gamyeoneun beoryeo garagarago
Nega weonhaneungeol malhaeborago
Nan dalla jom dalla neon molla nae saekkkareun reinbou
Jinshire mok mein Girl
Love Is Pain (Sarangeun gotong)
Jigeum neon bujokhae

Gashigi jinshireul
Jinshiri gashigeul
Supaenpeon deopeoseo suneul meolge hajanha
Jeogeodo neomaneun
Geuraedo neomaneun
Ttobaro nal bara bogil bogil

(Love) Jeogeodo neomaneun
(Love) Sesange neomaneun
(Love) Sohunghi yeogil su itgil itgil

Just U'r Collection Line
Ez Access Line Seuseuro maein AAAA
Geureohke gathyeoseo ssahin
Ni gipsukhi paein
Naaa~ Naaa~ Naaa~ Oh!

유키스 (U-KISS) - 0330 MV

0330-U KISS

[Eli] Yo, listen up
This is my tragic story
Just to break in my heart

[Hoon] Na ajikdo neoreul jiul su eobseo
Jakkujakku niga saenggakna
Niga neomu bogo shipeo
[All] Bamsae hansumdo jar su eobseo
[Hoon] Nae mam hanmuneur dudeurineun bitsori
Niga ddeona beorin geujari
Neomunado geuriweoseo
[All] Bamsae hansumdo jar su eobseo nan

[AJ] Bitgir bikyeo jinaganeun neoui dwit moseup
Amu geotdo har su eobtneun naneun geodeup
Haeseo maeil nan ddo huhwereur hae mianhae
Gido hae I want you to be back
I can't gyeondir hu eobseo nega
Eobtneun harunikka chameul su eobseo
Nungae nunmul heulleo naega
Again neoreul ijeul su isseulkka
Eonjekkaji naneun ireolkka

[Soohyun] Na ajikdo neoreul jiul su eobseo
Jakkujakku niga saenggakna
Niga neomu bogo shipeo
[All] Bamsae hansumdo jar su eobseo
[Soohyun] Nae mam hanmuneur dudeurineun bitsori
Niga ddeona beorin geujari
Neomunado geuriweoseo
[All] Bamsae hansumdo jar su eobseo nan

[Kiseop] O ireon oneulbamdo oneulbamdo her

[Eli] Bamsae neoman saenggakhae naneun jar su eobseo
Why did I turn on this love show
Neowa naui sain meoreojyeosseo
Naega I sarangui hainieosseo
Why did we fight urin war iraettneunde
Naega wae I sungan meomchweo ittneunde paboya naega pilyohan geon
Baro neoya

[Dongho] Eokkaega chuk neureojyeo ittneun neo
Hansumman ddang kkeojige swineun neo
Dapdaphan gaseumman tangtang chineun neo
Duson moa haneurege gido haneun neo
Ilgeorago moseubi naneun sangsangi ga
Uri da itji jiuja nappeun giokdeureul da
(I'm sorry) Neoga eoddeolj ara
Mianhadan mar bakke har su eobtneun na

[Kevin] Na ajikdo neoreul jiul su eobseo
Jakkujakku niga saenggakna
Niga neomu bogo shipeo
[All] Bamsae hansumdo jar su eobseo
[Kevin] Nae mam hanmuneur dudeurineun bitsori
Niga ddeona beorin geujari
Neomunado geuriweoseo
[All] Bamsae hansumdo jar su eobseo nan

[Kevin] O ireon oneulbamdo oneulbamdo her

[Eli/AJ/Dongho] You and I uriui kkeun nohjima
Don't deny our r²À
Naege wa ije da gwaenchanha
Dashi dashi da modeungeol shijakhaneun geoya
[All] Bamsae hansumdo jar su eobseo

씨스타19 (Sistar19)_Ma Boy(마보이) MV

Ma Boy-Sistar19

Let’s go
S.I.S.T.A.R, Sistar!
Baby stop breakin’ my heart (oh no)
You heard me? No more next time!
I hope you got that boy

Hey girls, It’s gon’ be alright
Hey boys, Better make it right
Hey girls, We got ya back

malhaji anha do alsu itda haet janha
nae mam eotteonji, neon algo it getji
geuraeseo midgo chamgo gidaryeotji
honja duji anhget dago haet janha
yaksok haesseotji, songarak georeotji
geureonde wae tto geojitmareul hae

sarang handa neun mal geuri eoryeobni
hanmadi marimyeon dweneun geol
neo jakku byeonhae ga, nado ijen jogeum jichyeo ga Oh Oh
shigani galsurok deo moreu gesseo
joha jilsurok naneun deo apeunde
(Why you trippin’ boy) nal jom barabwa

Oh Ma Boy ~ Oh Ma Boy ~Baby
niga museun sarangeul ara, nae mam man apa
Oh Ma Boy ~ Oh Ma Boy ~Baby
niga eotteohke nae mameul ara, Don’t let me down Boy

neottaemune naega michyeo why try’n play games with me?
neoro inhae haru edo naneun myeot beonsshik, UP & DOWN
Don’t let me down, nan ureo mae ilbam
(No, No) Stop onlycountrymusiclyrics.com breakin’ ma heart
neoneun nae gibun do moreugo nun dollyeo
I got what you lookin’ for
han nun paljima, ige nae majimak
gyeong go (oh, no) This gon’ be the last time

sarang handa neun mal geuri eoryeobni
hanmadi marimyeon dweneun geol
neo jakku byeonhae ga, nado ijen jogeum jichyeo ga Oh Oh
shigani galsurok deo moreu gesseo
joha jilsurok naneun deo apeunde
(Why you trippin’ boy) nal jom barabwa

Oh Ma Boy ~ Oh Ma Boy ~Baby
niga museun sarangeul ara, nae mam man apa
Oh Ma Boy ~ Oh Ma Boy ~Baby
niga eotteohke nae mameul ara, Don’t let me down Boy

Woo Boy, deo joha jil surok
Woo Boy apeun nae mameul ani neo
nae mame jageun soksagim, ttaeron nareul boneun ttaddeut han nungil
geugeo hanamyeon dwe, ojik neoman wonhae
ajik do neoman nae mam moreu janha

Oh Ma Boy ~ Oh Ma Boy ~Baby
niga museun sarangeul ara, nae mam man apa
Oh Ma Boy ~ Oh Ma Boy ~Baby
niga eotteohke nae mameul ara, Don’t let me down Boy

Don’t let me down Boy
Ma Boy

You Wouldn't Answer My Calls MV 2AM

You Wouldn't Answer My Call-2AM

[JINWOON]Eolmana eolmana sirheohalji almyeonseodo
Igeotbakke hal ge eopda
Neoui jip apeseo harireobsi neoreul gidarineun il

[SEULONG]Amuri amuri na bicham haedo
Neoreul irnneun geotbodan irheul ge eobseoseo
Gateun goseseo neoui jip apeseo gidarinda

[JOKWON]Imi jeonhwal batji annneun neoege
Nareul boryeojocha annneun neoege
Amuri bireodo yongseoreul guhaedo
Soyong eomneun irira haedo

[CHANGMIN]Neoui jip ape seoseo gidarinda
Nareul bonchae jocha haji anhado
Machi cheoeum bon saram cheoreom nal jinachyeodo
Mianhadaneun nae hanmadi deureojul ttaekkaji

[JINWON]Haruedo susip beonssik jeonhwagireul bogo
Jageun soriedo nollaseo
Neoui munja inji
Myeot beonssik hwaginhagon haesseo

[SEULONG]Cheoeumeneun cheoeumen neul inneun datum cheoreom
Doraol jul arasseo
Ireoke dokhage nal tteonagien
Neoneun neomu chakhan yeojaraseo

[JOKWON]Imi jeonhwal batji annneun neoege
Nareul boryeojocha annneun neoege
Amuri bireodo yongseoreul guhaedo
Soyongeomneun irira haedo

[CHANGMIN]Neoui jip ape seoseo gidarinda
Nareul bonchaejocha haji anhado
Machi cheoeum bon saramcheoreom nal jinachyeodo
Mianhadaneun nae hanmadi deureojul ttaekkaji

Taylor Swift - Back To December

Back To December-Taylor Swift

I'm so glad you made time to see me
How's life? Tell me, how's your family?
I haven't seen them in a while

You've been good, busier than ever
We small talk, work and the weather
Your guard is up, and I know why

Because the last time you saw me
Is still burned in the back of your mind
You gave me roses, and I left them there to die

So this is me swallowing my pride
Standing in front of you, saying I'm sorry for that night
And I go back to December all the time

It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you
Wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine
I go back to December, turn around and make it alright
I go back to December all the time

These days, I haven't been sleeping
Staying up, playing back myself leaving
When your birthday passed, and I didn't call

Then I think about summer, all the beautiful times
I watched you laughing from the passenger side
And realized I loved you in the fall

And then the cold came, the dark days
When fear crept into my mind
You gave me all your love, and all I gave you was goodbye

So this is me swallowing my pride
Standing in front of you, saying I'm sorry for that night
And I go back to December all the time

It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you
Wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine
I go back to December, turn around and change my own mind
I go back to December all the time

I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile
So good to me, so right
And how you held me in your arms that September night
The first time you ever saw me cry

Maybe this is wishful thinking
Probably mindless dreaming
But if we loved again, I swear I'd love you right

I'd go back in time and change it, but I can't
So if the chain is on your door, I understand

This is me swallowing my pride
Standing in front of you, saying I'm sorry for that night
And I go back to December

It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you
Wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine
I go back to December, turn around and make it alright
I go back to December, turn around and change my own mind
I go back to December all the time, all the time

[HD] After School - Because of You MV / 애프터스쿨 - 너 때문에 뮤직비디오

Because Of You-After School

Ajikdo na geudaereul ijji mothae
I'll never forget, boy, I'll never forget, boy

He eojinji beolsseo myeot nyeoni jinatneunji molla
Geudae saenggak manhamyeon jakku nunmul man heulleo
Oneul ttara wae geureohke niga bogo peulkka
Chang bakkwi bissoriga nae mameul heundeureo nwa

Sarang haji malgeol geuraesseo jeong juji malgeol geuraesseo
Butjapji malgeol geuraesseo wae ireohke na honja apa
Sarang haji malgeol geuraesseo jeong juji malgeol geuraesseo
Butjapji malgeol geuraesseo wae ireohke na honja apa

Nan hangsang neomanwi jang miga dwiryeodeon nae mameul ani
Ije jogaknan sarangwi machim pyoga dwaetdaneun geol
Nunmuri millyeowa memareun ibsuri jeojeo
Ije eotteokhae geudael ijeulsu eobseo

Neo ttaemune manhido ureosseo, maeil bam nan
Neo ttaemune manhido useosseo, geudae ttaemune
Neo ttaemune sarangeul mideosseo, oh boy
Neo ttaemune, neo ttaemune, moduda ilheosseo

Jeongmal dap dap daphae, gap, gap, gaphae
Mak mak makhae, neo eobtneun sesangi
Nae malmameul sshibeo nohgo jajonsim jit balba nohgo
Nae mameul jjijeo nohgo wae nareul tteonaga

Geunaldo biga wasseotji hanchameul geudaen
Mareobshi nareul bara bogiman haesseo
Heundeulli neun nunbitgwa aesseo jitneun eosaekhan
Misoga ibyeoreul yaegi haejweo

Sarang haji malgeol geuraesseo jeongjuji malgeol geuraesseo
Butjapji malgeol geuraesseo wae ireohke na honja apa
Sarang haji malgeol geuraesseo jeongjuji malgeol geuraesseo
Butjapji malgeol geuraesseo wae ireohke na honja apa

Nabogo tteonarago hal ttaen eonjego tteonan danikka eojjeogo
Michin saram chwigeup manhae jeongmal himdeureo boy, slow down
Amureon maldo mothan chae ureo, cuz I want to stay next to you
My love is true, wanna go back to when I was with you

Neo ttaemune manhido ureosseo, maeil bam nan
Neo ttaemune manhido useosseo, geudae ttaemune
Neo ttaemune sarangeul mideosseo, oh boy
Neo ttaemune, neo ttaemune, moduda ilheosseo

Jeongmal dap dap daphae, gap, gap, gaphae
Mak mak makhae, neo eobtneun sesangi
Nae malmameul sshibeo nohgo jajonsim jit balba nohgo
Nae mameul jjijeo nohgo wae nareul tteonaga

I miss you, I need you
Kkum sogeseon ajikdo I'm with you
I miss you, I need you
Shiganeul dwi deollyeo wanna kiss you again, my boy

Mami neomu apeunde gyeondigi
Gwiro unde neoneun eodiseon mweol hani, na ureosseo cham manhi
Neo eobshin nan mossareo
Naegero dorawajweo nal tteonagajima (yeaheyy...)

Neo ttaemune manhido ureosseo, yeah
Neo ttaemune manhido useosseo, manhido useosseo nan
Neo ttaemune sarangeul mideosseo, oh yeah
Neo ttaemune, neo ttaemune, moduda ilheosseo, neo ttaemune na

Jeongmal dap dap daphae, gap, gap, gaphae
Mak mak makhae, neo eobtneun sesangi
Nae malmameul sshibeo nohgo jajonsim jit balba nohgo
Nae mameul jjijeo nohgo wae nareul tteonaga

Ajikdo na geudaereul ijji mothae

[HD 1080p] KARA - Jet Coaster Love ジェットコースターラブ

Jet Coaster Love-Kara

Metemo samete no sugisa
Success I want I feel

Hakujou shinasai magama ni au
(Toki doki shite masu)
Chanto iwanakucha hajimaranai oshiete
No, kimochi wa kawaru
Hurry up, kakugo okimete
Haato(Heart) no sai ne mawaru ga jet coaster dakishimete

Mou anata dake omoute ita no
Tsukamaete fall in fall in fall in love
Toundara no abunai suriru
Hara hara tochi setsunai yo
Koko hakushi mashou
Yuuki no dashi de
Saikyo no making making making love
Kuchibiru ga suki toungoke ba
Toki meku koi hajimaru no (kiss kiss)

Anata no koto ga sugisa
Success I know I feel

Saishou wa daremo kowai mono yo
(Waku waku shiteru ne)
Kawatsu nai kara unmei ga kimaru no
No, kye o kure ni naru
Speed up, sono temobashi de
Haato(Heart) no shigunaru kanjita nara sugu dakishimete

Sou dare datte iro iro atte
Nori koete fall in fall in fall in love
Me o tojicha mienai mirai
Kitto motto zutto oikakeru
Sochi kyoushi mashou
Bimyou no kyori wa
Sobani ite making making making love
Kono namida koboreru nareni
Ima one two need you ochi akete

Sekai de ichiban
Suki dayo Yeah!
Motto Motto Success dakeshimete

Mou anata dake omoute ita no
Tsukamaete fall in fall in fall in love
Toundara no abunai suriru
Hara hara tochi setsunai yo
Koko hakushi mashou
Yuuki no dashi de
Saikyo no making making making love
Kuchibiru ga suki toungoke ba
Toki meku koi hajimaru no (kiss kiss)

After school (애프터스쿨) - Shampoo MV [HD]

Shampoo-After School

Shampoo-ga dwego shipeo geudaeye meori karage na heulleo naerimyeo
Jiteun naye hyangiro geudaereul gamssago shipeoyo
Dareun hyangireul saran haetamyeon ijen jiwo beoryeoyo
Sesange eopneun hyangi deullo neol yeon woni neol chwihage halgeoya

Hokshi neo byeol byeol byeol iyuro nareul seulpeuge hamyeon neoye nuneul ttagapge halgeoya
Hajiman byeol byeol byeol iyuro nareul gippeuge hamyeon on momeul da gamssa julsu isseo*
Geo-uldo neoreul boji motage hayan geopum deullo ni on momeul da gamssa beoril geoya
Amudo neoreul gajji motage nareul mutyeo dulgeoya nae hyangineun ji-ulsu eobseul geol

Cheo-eum neol bwasseul ttae neoyege pungi neunyan giga neomu shireosseo
Jigeum kkajinda ijeo ije nae hyangiman mutillae

Ibsuri sarangeul yaegi halttaen geuttaen uri sarangeun the end
Niga naege ppajyeosseul ttae geuttaen ilchodo neomu gireo
Tic toc you talk we talk uri shigan man jakku heureugo
Nae gaseumi teojil geoman gata na ireon niga miwo

Mae-il mae-il gidaryeo isunganeul sarang hae,
ni songiri daheumyeon uri dashi pantaji

Neoye barami bundamyeon naneun barame nallyeoga
Nunmure sshigyeoga ni gaseumeul tteullyeoga
Ni hyangiga dwel geoya ppeon han hyangineun goodbye 
Ppeon han sarando goodbye nae hyangiman yeonwon hi

Hokshi neo nareura peuge hamyeon nareul seulpeuge hamyeon neoye nuneul ttagapge halgeoya
Amudo neoreul gajji motage nareul mutyeo deulgeoya nae hyangineun ji-ulsu eobseul geol (x2)

Hajiman byeol byeol byeol iyuro nareul gippeuge hamyeon on momeul da gamssa julsu isseo
Geo-uldo neoreul boji motage hayan geopum deullo ni on momeul da gamssa beoril geoya

[M/V] miss A "Bad Girl, Good Girl"

Bad Girl Good Girl-Miss A

U don't know me U don't know me
U don't know me U don't know me
So shut up boy So shut up boy
So shut up boy So shut up, shut up

[Min] Apeseon hanmadido adeoni
Dwieseon nae yaegil an johge hae
Eoiga eobs eo

[Suzy] (Hello hello hello) Na gateun yeojan cheoeum (Eulo eulo eulo) Bon geos gat-eunde wae
Naleul pandanhani naega hogsi dulyeoun geoni

[Jia] Geot eulon bad girl sog eulon good girl
Naleul jal aljido moshamyeonseo nae geotmoseubman bomyeonseo
Hansimhan yeojalo boneun neoui siseon I nan neomuna usgyeo
[Fei] Chum chul ttaen bad girl salang eun good girl
Chumchuneun nae moseub eul bol ttaeneun neogs-eul nohgo bogoseoneun
Kkeutnani songalagjilhaneun geu wiseon I nan neomuna usgyeo

[Min] Ileon os ileon meolimoyang ieulo
Ileon chum eul chuneun yeojaneun ppeonhae
Nega deo ppeonhae Oh~

[Suzy] (Hello hello hello) Jasin eobs eumyeon jeo (Dwilo dwilo dwilo) Mulleoseomyeon doeji
Wae jakku tteodeuni ne Sog-i hwonhi boineun geon ani

[Jia] Geot-eulon bad girl sog-eulon good girl
Naleul jal aljido moshamyeonseo nae geotmoseubman bomyeonseo
Hansimhan yeojalo boneun neoui siseon-i nan neomuna usgyeo
[Fei] Chum chul ttaen bad girl salang-eun good girl
Chumchuneun nae moseub-eul bol ttaeneun neogs-eul nohgo bogoseoneun
Kkeutnani songalagjilhaneun geu wiseon I nan neomuna usgyeo

[Suzy] (Nal gamdang) Hal su issneun namjal chaj ayo jinjja namjaleul chaj ayo
[Min] (Malloman) namjadaun cheog hal namja malgo
[Fei] (Nal bul-an) Hae haji anh-eul namjan eobsnayo jasingam-i neomchyeoseo
Naega nail su issge jayulobge dugo meolliseo balaboneun

[Jia] Geot-eulon bad girl sog-eulon good girl
Naleul jal aljido moshamyeonseo nae geotmoseubman bomyeonseo
Hansimhan yeojalo boneun neoui siseon-i nan neomuna usgyeo
[Fei] Chum chul ttaen bad girl salang-eun good girl
Chumchuneun nae moseub-eul bol ttaeneun neogs-eul nohgo bogoseoneun
Kkeutnani songalagjilhaneun geu wiseon I nan neomuna usgyeo

U don't know me U don't know me
U don't know me U don't know me
So shut up boy So shut up boy
So shut up boy So shut up boy

Super Junior-M_太完美_MUSIC VIDEO_Chinese ver.

太完美-Super Junior M

(東海) 她迷住我視線
(始源) 在愛情裡的寶藏被我發現
你就是我尋找的 稀世寶貝
(圭賢) 你就不斷地在攪翻我世界

(Henry) 太過心急不對
(銀赫) 用力愛會碎
(Henry) 太過緩慢不對
(銀赫) 我隨你進或退
(東海) 哦 太完美 你眼裡我出現
哦 不讓誰 替我在你身邊 喔~
(周覓) 你的媚眼 你的側臉
你的頸肩 你的嫵媚
你的一切 從頭到尾 我已淪陷

(圭賢) 我的心變成了口袋的一面
Just For You不停的給不停的給
(厲旭) 這樣子愛你到底是對不對
我一邊迷惑 一邊獨自迷戀

(晟敏) 太過心急不對
(銀赫) 用力愛會碎
(晟敏) 太過緩慢不對
(銀赫) 我隨你進或退
(圭賢) 哦太完美 妳眼裏我出現
哦不讓誰 替我在你身邊 喔~
(Henry) 你的媚眼 你的側臉
你的頸肩 你的嫵媚
你的一切 從頭到尾 我已淪陷

(圭賢) 哦 太完美~
(周覓) 每次見面時 脈搏就當機了
她在我全身狂跳 不要減

(東海 + Henry) 一直跳 一直跳 想著你
一直跳 一直跳 喜歡你
一直跳 一直跳 都是你
一直跳 一直跳 我愛你
一直跳 一直跳 一直跳 一直跳

(晟敏 / 厲旭) 太過心急不對 用力愛會碎
太過緩慢不對 我隨你進或退
(始源) 哦 太完美 你眼裡我出現
我不讓誰 替我在你身邊 喔~
(圭賢) 你的媚眼 你的側臉
你的頸間 你的嫵媚
你的一切 從頭到尾 我已淪陷

(銀赫) [Rap] Bounce to the music let your feet go round
To the floor and Imma break it down
Let me in
Let me show you all my bling bling
And all my kicks kicks baby dance with me
(Henry) Boom Boom Boom can I get another?
Clap Clap Clap Let’s go!
Shake your body Move your body pick your feet up
Imma move to the groove Baby imma go all out

(東海) 給我說你想我


f(x)_피노키오(Danger)_MUSIC VIDEO

Danger-f (x)

Remember me
I'm in Danger Pinocchio
Remember me

(Krystal)Eodiboja ilgeoboja nae mameul teoreoboja emeraldeu humchyeobwa geu nundongja seureukseureuk

(Sulli)Meoributeo balkkeutkkaji seukaenhae jingjingwingwing kallalboda chagapge geu kkeopjil beotgyeonae

Nan jigeum Danger

(Victoria)Hangyeopdugyeop peseuchyuricheoreom ya kkeullyeo


(Victoria)Seumyeodeureo teumsai kkulcheoreom

Naneun pinocchio~

(Luna)Neobakke moreuneun naega dwaesseo aseuraseul witaewitae sijakdoeneun SHOW

Ttarattarattattatta jjaritjjaritalgeoda gunggeumtuseongie neo kkomjjangmara neo
Jogakjogak ttattatta kkeonaebogo ttattatta mame deulge neol dasi joriphalgeoya

I'm in DangerDangerDanger pinnochio
Remember berber me pinokio remember me

(Victoria)Naneun uisaseonsaengnimeun anya geunyang neol algosipeo neoran mijiui daeryugui balgyeonja kollombeoseu

(Luna)Simjangi magu ttwieo! ttwieo! nae mameul eotteoke hae eoriljeok opparang
Satdeon inhyeongcheoreom

Nan jigeum Danger

(Sulli)Hanipduip makarongboda dalgeyo


(Sulli)Seumyeodeureo teumsai syareureu~

Neoneun pinnochio~

(Krystal)Neobakke moreuneun naega dwaesseo aseuraseul witaewitae sijakdoeneun Show *3

Ttarattara ttattatta jjaritjjaritalgeoda gunggeumtuseongie neo kkomjjangmara neo
Jogakjogak ttattatta busyeobogo ttattatta mame deulge neol dasi joriphalgeoya

(Amber)Mmiroreul haemaeji geugeon neol yeolgi wihankey maeil teuriksoge ssahin kkeopjireul beotgyeonae ohI just waana tell you I'm danger now

I'm Danger in Danger
Remember me

(Krystal)Nuga bwado neon wanbyeokhan geol neoneun dasi taeeonalgeoya
(Luna)Ja ije ipsure sumeul bureo neoheo kkumkkwowatjanha pinnochio~

Tarattara ttattatta jjaritjjarit halgeoda gunggeumtuseongie neo kkomjjak mara neo
Jogakjogak ttattatta kkeonaebogo ttattatta mame deulge neol dasi joriphalgeoya
Ttarattara ttattatta jjaritjjarit halgeoda gunggeumtuseongie kkomjjak mara neo
Jogakjogak ttattatta busyeobogo ttattatta mame deulge neol dasi joribhalgeoya

(Krystal)Remember Me

Remember me


Love Girl-C.N Blue

[Yonghwa] Tell me, tell me sarangeul malhaejwo
Tell me, tell me ne sarang jeonhaejwo
Love me, love me nae pume angyeojwo
Kiss me, kiss me neomaneul saranghae

[Yonghwa] nega useul ddaen nan babocheoreom
Naega neol bol ddaen neon machi yebbeun inhyeongcheoreom
Gaseumi neomu dugeundugeun dugeungeoryeo
Neo ddaemune nan haruharu haengbokaejyeo

[Yonghwa] I want you oh my love naman barabwajwo
Neomaneul saranghae sesang modu byeonhaedo
Oh my love neoman bomyeon ddwineun gaseum eonjeggajina
Neoman damgo isseulge

L.O.V.E Girl [Jungshin] nae soneul japgo Fly
L.O.V.E Girl [Jungshin] uh uh, nareul mitgo Fly high
L.O.V.E Boy [Jungshin] Ye-Ye-Yes we can fly to the sky
L.O.V.E Boy [Jungshin] I will take you there baby

[Yonghwa] Tell you, tell you sarangeul malhalge
Tell you, tell you nae sarang gobaekae
Love you, love you nae soneul jabajwo
Kiss you, kiss you yeongwonhi saranghae

[Yonghwa] nega deullyeojuneun eumakcheoreom
Nega deullyeojuneun dalkomhan konoraecheoreom
Ilbun ilchoga neomu neomu sojunghaejyeo
Maeil deutgo sipeo sarang sarang saranghae neol

[Yonghwa] I want you oh my love naman saranghaejwo
Neol saranghanigga dareun sarang byeonhaedo
Oh my love neoreul geurin jageun gaseum eonjeggajina
Neoman ango isseulge

L.O.V.E Girl [Jungshin] nae soneul japgo Fly
L.O.V.E Girl [Jungshin] uh uh, nareul mitgo Fly high
L.O.V.E Boy [Jungshin] Ye-Ye-Yes we can fly to the sky
L.O.V.E Boy [Jungshin] I will take you there baby

[Younghwa] I want you oh my love naman barabwajwo
Neomaneul saranghae sesang modu byeonhaedo
Oh my love neoman bomyeon ddwineun gaseum eonjeggajina
Neoman damgo isseulge

L.O.V.E Girl [Jungshin] Take Take Take my hands
L.O.V.E Girl [Jungshin] uh uh, Grab Grab Grab my hands
L.O.V.E Boy [Jungshin] Ye-Ye-Yes we can fly to the sky ha ha
L.O.V.E Boy [Jungshin] I will take you there baby

[Yonghwa] Take Take Take my hands baby you (You! ) know what I want, you
Kungkwanggeorineun simjangsoriga deullini can you feel my beat
Take Take Take my hands baby you (You! ) know what I want, you
Naneun neo animyeon dwae neomani make me laugh you make me laugh

L.O.V.E Girl


[MV] C.N BLUE - Intuition (HD)

C.N Blue-Intuition

Uh come on yeah

Naega nal ddeonal georan jikgami wa (Don't give up)
Jakkuman ireon jeoreon pinggyaedeulman (Don't give up)
Neukkimi dallatdeon ssaneulhan Bye Bye (Don't give up)
Nan bonael su eobseo (Because I love you)

Narul saranghanda hal ddaen eonjego ijae waseo Why you say goodbye
Idaero bonael sun eobseo (because I love you)

Iyuh anin iyuro
Narul ddeonagaryeo hajima

Please don't go go go jebal ddeonakajima
Hanbeonmanirado nal dorabwajullae
Please don't go go go seulpeun insanun shireo
Neol saranghanikka dashi dorawa

Step by step one two three Dipdi daridu
Gingin shigandeuri neorul jiweogagettjiman
Step by step one two three Dipdi daridu
Nan haru haruga gotongilgeoya

Neowa nan kkutiranun jikgami wa (Don't give up)
Jakkuman ireonjeoron jjajungdeulman (Don't give up)
Gihweeman yeotboda chagaun Bye Bye (Don't give up)
Nan bonael su eobseo (Because I love you)

Geojit gateun sarangi
Jeomjeom narul apeukeman hae

Please don't go go go jebal ddeonakajima
Hanbeonmanirado nal dorabwajullae
Please don't go go go seulpeun insanun shireo
Neol saranghanikka dashi dorawa

Step by step one two three Dipdi daridu
Gingin shigandeuri neorul jiweogagettjiman
Step by step one two three Dipdi daridu
Nan haru haruga gotongilgeoya

Uh nae ibsureun ibyeoreul malhagil wonhae
Nae nunbicheun narul piharyeogo manhae
I ready know nan ajuh jikkamjeokeuro (I don't wanna say goodbye)
Don't say goodbye ibyeoreul malhajima
Don't say bye bye narul ddeonajima
Sarangeul ddeonaseo naran saramaege ireojima (Because I love you)

Don't say no no no nae nuneul pihajima
Han georeum han georeum wae meoreojiryeo hae
Don't say no no no keureon pyojeongeun shireo
Nunmullo ireohkae aewonhajanha

Please don't go go go jebal ddeonagajima
Don't break my heart Don't you break my heart
Narul ddeonajima yeah, still loving you

Please don't go go go seulpeun insanun shireo
Neol saranghanikka dashi dorawa

Step by step one two three Dipdi daridu
Gingin shigandeuri neorul jiweogagetjiman
Step by step one two three Dipdi daridu
Maeil maeili akmongilgeoya


马嘉轩 - 《I'm Okay》 官方MV

I'm okay-马嘉轩


哦... 沉默如刀狠狠劃下



哦... 只是傷口還没結痂



她靠近,我離去,隨便你, 隨便你...

現在我,沒什麼,I'm Okay...
I'm Okay

Rebecca Black - Friday (OFFICIAL VIDEO)

Friday-Rebecca Black

(Yeah, Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah-Ark)
Oo-ooh-ooh, hoo yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah

7am, waking up in the morning
Gotta be fresh, gotta go downstairs
Gotta have my bowl, gotta have cereal
Seein’ everything, the time is goin’
Tickin’ on and on, everybody’s rushin’
Gotta get down to the bus stop
Gotta catch my bus, I see my friends (My friends)

Kickin’ in the front seat
Sittin’ in the back seat
Gotta make my mind up
Which seat can I take?

It’s Friday, Friday
Gotta get down on Friday
Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the weekend, weekend
Friday, Friday
Gettin’ down on Friday
Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the weekend

Partyin’, partyin’ (Yeah)
Partyin’, partyin’ (Yeah)
Fun, fun, fun, fun
Lookin’ forward to the weekend

7:45, we’re drivin’ on the highway
Cruisin’ so fast, I want time to fly
Fun, fun, think about fun
You know what it is
I got this, you got this
My friend is by my right
I got this, you got this
Now you know it

Kickin’ in the front seat
Sittin’ in the back seat
Gotta make my mind up
Which seat can I take?

It’s Friday, Friday
Gotta get down on Friday
Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the weekend, weekend
Friday, Friday

Gettin’ down on Friday
Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the weekend

Partyin’, partyin’ (Yeah)
Partyin’, partyin’ (Yeah)
Fun, fun, fun, fun
Lookin’ forward to the weekend

Yesterday was Thursday, Thursday
Today i-is Friday, Friday (Partyin’)
We-we-we so excited
We so excited
We gonna have a ball today

Tomorrow is Saturday
And Sunday comes after...wards
I don’t want this weekend to end

R-B, Rebecca Black
So chillin’ in the front seat (In the front seat)
In the back seat (In the back seat)
I’m drivin’, cruisin’ (Yeah, yeah)
Fast lanes, switchin’ lanes
Wit’ a car up on my side (Woo!)
(C’mon) Passin’ by is a school bus in front of me
Makes tick tock, tick tock, wanna scream
Check my time, it’s Friday, it’s a weekend
We gonna have fun, c’mon, c’mon, y’all

It’s Friday, Friday
Gotta get down on Friday
Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the weekend, weekend
Friday, Friday
Gettin’ down on Friday
Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the weekend

Partyin’, partyin’ (Yeah)
Partyin’, partyin’ (Yeah)
Fun, fun, fun, fun
Lookin’ forward to the weekend

It’s Friday, Friday
Gotta get down on Friday
Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the weekend, weekend
Friday, Friday
Gettin’ down on Friday
Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the weekend

Partyin’, partyin’ (Yeah)
Partyin’, partyin’ (Yeah)
Fun, fun, fun, fun
Lookin’ forward to the weekend

4MINUTE「 Heart to Heart」

Heart to heart-4 minute

yojeum isanghae, byeonhan geot gata
yejeon en anhdeon, maldeul do hago
nae apeseo, nae nuneul bogoseo
yaegi hae (neo) soljik hage

museong ye han nunbit, tta bunhae haneun pyojeong
yejeon gwaneun dareun, haengdong gwa maltu
shiwon hage, mal dolliji malgo
yaegi hae (neo) teonoh goseo

malheun geol, naneun barajin anha
geujeo yejeon cheoreom man
Look into my eyes, Please look at me now
nareul saenggak haejwo oh

Heart to Heart to Heart (talk)
deo namja dabge naege yaegi hae (deo)
dabdab hage malgo, wihaneun cheok malgo
ajik neowa na stay together
Let’s have a
Heart to Heart to Heart (talk)
nae nun ttok baro bogo yaegi haejwo (deo)
mal dolliji malgo, hwa nage haji malgo
ijeneun Heart to Heart, neowa na Heart to Heart to Heart

yejeone jaju hadeon ni serena de
yojeumen sarang handan pyohyeoni myeot gaena dwae?
shil heumyeon shilh dago anim shiganeul gajja go
teonoh goseo neowa, ijeneun Heart to Heart

eojjeomyeon geureohke, byeon halsu ga itni
da ni mamdaero da, majchwo jwoya hani
utgi jima! chakgak haji jomda!
geuman hae (neo) ni meot daero

malheun geol, naneun barajin anha
geujeo yejeon cheoreom man
Look into my eyes, Please look at me now
nareul saenggak haejwo oh

Let’s have a
Heart to Heart to Heart (talk)
deo namja dabge naege yaegi hae (deo)
dabdab hage malgo, wihaneun cheok malgo
ajik neowa na stay together
Let’s have a
Heart to Heart to Heart (talk)
nae nun ttok baro bogo yaegi haejwo (deo)
mal dolliji malgo, hwa nage haji malgo
ijeneun Heart to Heart, neowa na Heart to Heart to Heart

mianhadan geumal, cham shwibge haneun mal, neomu jigyeo un mal

neon hangsang georeohke, kkeut naeryeo goman hae
wae neon geurae, wae neoneun hangsang gateun malman hae

idaero yeogiseo, neowa na duriseo
nuneul bara bomyeo, geudaero ireohke
Heart to Heart, yeojeonhi naneun
neoreul saenggak hae, naege yaegi hae

Let’s have a
Heart to Heart to Heart (talk)
deo namja dabge naege yaegi hae (deo)
dabdab hage malgo, wihaneun cheok malgo
ajik neowa na stay together
Let’s have a
Heart to Heart to Heart (talk)
nae nun ttok baro bogo yaegi haejwo (deo)
mal dolliji malgo, hwa nage haji malgo
ijeneun Heart to Heart, neowa na Heart to Heart to Heart

4Minute - 'WHY' M/V

Why-4 minute

Tell me why, why mamori ta-i no ni
Please tell me why, why kyou moki mi wa so lonely
Why, why kodeku wo aruku
Please te-te-te-te-te-te right now
(Te-te-te-te-te te-te-te-te-te te-te-te-te-te-te right now)

You waku ya hizumu sekai de
You chiki mono ni wa nenai
Tsuyoki na fashion ne kakanme
Atashi o mamoru no wa atashi

Hitori kiri kairu TRAIN de nagareru
Oto no neke shikiga atama-o
Mita jite yuku no

Tell me why, why mamori ta-i no ni
Please tell me why, why kyou moki mi wa so lonely
Why, why kodeku wo aruku
Please te-te-te-te-te-te right now
(Te-te-te-te-te te-te-te-te-te te-te-te-te-te-te right now)

Seki wa aku de wa naito
Ienai kanashi jitai ni
Bokura nani o shinji
Ikite ikeba ii no wakaranai

Sotto ni dereba utawareru dake
Demo konomama owa te kuro wa
Tsumarana sugiru

Tell me why, why mamori ta-i no ni
Please tell me why, why kyou moki mi wa so lonely
Why, why kodeku wo aruku
Please te-te-te-te-te-te right now

(Why, why, please tell me why, why. Please tell me why, why)

Hitori kiri kairu TRAIN de nagareru (oh yeah)
Oto no neke shikiga atama-o
Mita jite yuku no

Tell me why, why mamori ta-i no ni
Dareka ga oshiete onegai, somebody please tell me why
Why, why kodeku wo aruku
Mienai kono mayoi no hate ni nani kaga not for me

Tell me why, why mamori ta-i no ni
Please tell me why, why kyou moki mi wa so lonely
Why, why kodeku wo aruku
Please te-te-te-te-te-te right now


Michael Jackson - Hollywood Tonight

Hollywood tonight-Michael Jackson

Lipstick in hand
Tahitian tanned
In her painted on jeans

She dreams of fame
She changed her name
To one that fits the movie screen
She's headed for the big time, that means

She's going Hollywood
She's going Hollywood tonight
She's going Hollywood
She's going Hollywood tonight
She's going Hollywood
She's going Hollywood tonight
It's true, that you, may never ever have that chance again

West bound Greyhound
To tinsel town
Just to pursue her movie star dreams
She's giving hot tricks to men
Just to get in
When she was taught that that's not clean
Shes headed for the big time ,that means

She's going Hollywood
She's going Hollywood tonight
She's going Hollywood
She's going Hollywood tonight

She's going Hollywood
She's going Hollywood tonight
It's true, that you, may never ever have that chance again (that chance again)

[Spoken words:]
She gave up her life, to follow her dreams
Left behind everything, for the movie scene
Nothing more she could want, she was determined to follow her plan
She wanted Hollywood, she wanted it bad
Now that she got her dream, she became a star
It all looked so good, but only good from afar
Imprisoned in every paparazzi's camera, every guy wished they could
Now it's back to reality, for Ms. Hollywood

Lipstick in hand
Tahitian tanned
In her painted on jeans

She dreams of fame
She changed her name
To one that fits the movie screen
She's headed for the big time, that means

She's going Hollywood
She's going Hollywood tonight
She's going Hollywood
She's going Hollywood tonight
She's going Hollywood
She's going Hollywood tonight
It's true, that you, may never ever have that chance again (that chance again)

BIGBANG - TONIGHT M/V (Original Version)


Big bang big bang we're back again one more time say
No way no way neomu swipge tto nami dwae
Big bang big bang don't stop let's play
Ok ok go go go

Na michil geot gatae ama jichin geot gatae (wae)
Anya jillin geot gatae beolsseo ttabunhae sisihae
Han yeojaroneun manjok mot haneun bad boy but I'm nice
An neomeogagoneun mot baegilgeol let me blow ya mind

Eonjebuteoyeonneunji gamheungi eobseojin uri
Ijen machi jin ppajin gim ppajin kollagatji
Mugamgakhaejin cheot neukkim seororeul hyanghan gyeotnunjil
Geukkat sarange nan mongmaeji anha don't wanna try no more

Neoreul chajaseo oeo nal bichwojuneun jeo dalbicharaero
Geudael chajaseo oeooo kkeuchi eodinji moreugetjiman hey
Tonight tonight tonight tonight
Ajik nan sarangeul molla tto hollo gayeoun I bam

Sangcheo nal ibyeori museowo (so what so what)
Neol cheoeum mannan sungani geuriwo (no more no more)
Geujeo apeume seotun geol nan pihago sipeun geol
But you know that I love you girl girl girl

Jiljilkkeuneun seonggyeok say no chagaun ipsullo neol eoreo butge haneun nanana

Take ma soul take ma heart back saeroun seolleim get that
Sarangeun naegeneun eoulliji anha don't think too much it's simple

Neoreul chajaseo oeo nal bichwojuneun jeo dalbicharaero
Geudael chajaseo oeooo kkeuchi eodinjineun moreugetjiman hey
Tonight tonight tonight tonight
Ajik nan sarangeul molla tto hollo gayeoun I bam

[TaeYang & DaeSung]
Annyeongiran marui seulpeun uimi eoduun geurimjaneun garyeojigo
Nae maeum sok ijeobeorin neoreul hyanghan naui gieok
Neoreul chajaseo oeo nal bichwojuneun jeo dalbicharaero (jeo dalbicharaero)
Geudael chajaseo oeooo(o geudae o baby)kkeuchi eodinji moreugetjiman hey (eodinji molla)
Tonight tonight tonight tonight
Ajik nan sarangeul molla (sarangeul molla nan) tto hollo gayeoun I bam

Neoreul chajaseo oeo(tonight ) nal bichwojuneun jeo dalbicharaero (such a beautiful night)
Geudael chajaseo oeooo kkeuchi eodinji moreugetjiman (goodnight)


有谁来爱我 - 泳儿(官方HQ完整版)


谁来爱我 有这麽好悲惨爱歌
记得你总在播 到现时亦爱听麽
甜言听过 你以哄骗天份拍拖
每句话何曾真实过 失去或比得到更多

更怕我是人 染有听歌的瘾
对旧伤口牵引 每段悲歌都残忍
情歌 全为听者伤得更多
逃避你依靠新一个 而难度太高估计错

谁来爱我 我亦会躲
何苦 忘掉你竟等於扑火
但没法再度 和好 如初

谁来爱我 与最凶狠歌词切磋
每个字完全攻陷我 想按键删走所有歌

慨叹我是人 染有听歌的瘾
对旧伤口牵引 每段悲歌都残忍
情歌 全为听者伤得更多
逃避你依靠新一个 而难度太高估计错

谁来爱我 我亦会躲
何苦 忘掉你竟等於扑火
但没法再度 和好 如初

连乐句也有毒性 爱变了病症
情歌 全为听者伤得更多
逃避你依靠新一个 而难度太高估计错

谁来爱我 又是折磨
何苦 如像阿当得到禁果
没办法放下 难舍 如初



吃完 镀了金的牛排
镶了钻的蛋 胃还是那么的孤单

只有 一想到了晚餐
有你的笑下饭 漫长的一天才不难捱

穿着 限量版的衬衫
羡慕声不断 也没让我觉得温暖
如果 不是有你呼吸
在皮肤上不散 怎么抵御世界的冷淡

海枯石烂这种大事 与我无关

听过 圣诗般的称赞
嘘寒或问暖 耳朵也开不出花瓣
直到 你在电话那端
问我几点下班 动听得让心花灿烂

攀过 最纯白的雪山
最澎湃的海 回忆也没有更精彩
直到 你侧脸的曲线
在我手心蜿蜒 才懂得什么事最浪漫

伟大的圆满与我们 真的无关

梁心頤Lara - Everything MV


Hello 这么简单普通的一句 Hello
心口 却出现了想微笑的理由
他没长得特别帅 却让我有种自在

This is all I know is ture
I am so in love with you
your everthing everthing
everthing everthing
你那随性的脚步 带我在空中飞舞
you're everthing everthing
everthing yeah

Hello 我有多期待听到你的问候
心口 像躺在晒暖的云朵里好温柔
你说不化妆更可爱 说你想把我宠坏
Now I see why they say love is blind

This is all I know is ture
I am so in love with you
your everthing everthing
everthing everthing
你那随性的脚步 带我在空中飞舞
you're everthing everthing
everthing to me

This is all I know is ture
I am so in love with you
your everthing yeah oh
我好想大声宣布 你就是我的全部
you're everthing yeah everthing
This is all I know is ture
I am so in love with you
everthing everthing
这是我大声宣布 你就是我的全部
you're everthing everthing

Just want a chance to love you
Just want a chance to love you
Just want a chance to say I do
Just want a chance to love you
Just want a chance to love you
Just want a chance to say I do love you

黃小琥 - 重來MV





如果能重来 诚实地去对待
如果能重来 回忆当作尘埃




如果能重来 诚实地去对待
如果能重来 回忆当作尘埃

如果能重来 诚实地去对待
如果能重来 回忆当作尘埃
就能无瑕疵地爱 但是重来


Jennifer Lopez - On The Floor ft. Pitbull

On the floor-Jennifer Lopez ft Pitbull

Hey oh ay oh ay
Let's take the whole world on a ride
J-LO! ya tu sabe no es mas nada
Hey oh ay oh ay
Let's take the whole world on a ride
Mr. worldwide
Dale get on the floor
Dale get on the floor
Dale get on the floor
Dale get on the floor
Dale get on the floor
Dale I want the whole world to
Get on the floor
Dale get on the floor
Dale get on the floor
Dale get on the floor
Darling I want the whole world to
Get on the floor
I'm loose
And everybody knows I get off the train
Baby it's the truth
I'm like inception I play with your brain
So I don't sleep I snooze
I don't play no games so don't get it confused no
Cuz you will lose yeah
Now pump it up
And back it up like a Tonka truck
That badonka donk is like a trunk full of bass on an old school Chevy 7 trail donka truck
All I need is some vodka and some chunka coke
And watch a chick get donkey konged
Baby if you're ready for things to get heavy
I get on the floor and act a fool if you let me dale
Don't believe me just vet me
My name ain't Keath but I see why you Sweat me
L.A. Miami New York
Say no more get on the floor
[Jennifer Lopez]
Dance the night away
Live your life and stay out on the floor
Dance the night away
Grab somebody drink a little more
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la
Tonight we gon' be it on the floor
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la
Tonight we gon' be it on the floor

I know you gotta clap your hands on the floor
And keep on rocking work it up on the floor
If you're a criminal kill it on the floor
Steal it quick on the floor
On the floor
Don't stop keep it moving put your drinks up
It's getting ill it's getting sick on the floor
We never quit we never rest on the floor
If I ain't rolling I may die on the floor
Brazil, Morocco, London to Ibiza
Straight to L.A. New York
Vegas to Africa

Dance the night away
Live your life and stay out on the floor
Dance the night away
Grab somebody drink a little more
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la
Tonight we gon' be it on the floor
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la
Tonight we gon' be it on the floor
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la
Tonight we gon' be it on the floor
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la
Tonight we gon' be it on the floor

Freak it off kick it up
Raise the roof wreck the dancehall
Rip these walls light it up
Make some noise ohhh

Dance the night away
Live your life and stay out on the floor
Dance the night away
Grab somebody drink a little more
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la
Tonight we gon' be it on the floor
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la
Tonight we gon' be it on the floor
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la
Tonight we gon' be it on the floor
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la
Tonight we gon' be it on the floor
Tonight we gon' be it on the floor
Tonight we gon' be it on the floor

Ke$ha - Blow




Back door craked
We don't need a key
We get in for free
No VIP sleaze

Drink that kool aid
Follow my lead
Now you're one of us
You're coming with me

It's time to kill the lights
And shut the DJ down
(This place about to)
Tonight were taking over
No one's gettin out!

This place about to blow-ow-o-o-o-o-ow
This place about to blow-ow-o-o-o-o-ow
This place about to blow-ow-o-o-o-o-ow
This place about to blow-ow-o-o-o-o-ow
This place about to

Now what (What)
We're taking control
We get what I want
We do what you don't

Dirt and glitter
Cover the floor
We're pretty and sick
We're young and We're bored (Ha)

It's time to lose your mind
And let the crazy out

(This place about to)
Tonight we're taking names Cause we don't mess around

This place about to blow-ow-o-o-o-o-ow
This place about to blow-ow-o-o-o-o-ow
This place about to blow-ow-o-o-o-o-ow
This place about to blow-ow-o-o-o-o-ow
This place about to

Go, go, go, go insane
Go insane
Throw some glitter
Make it rain on him
Let me see them Hanes
Let me, let me see them Hanes

Go insane
Go insane
Throw some glitter
Make it rain on him
Let me see them Hanes
Let me, let me see them Hanes (C'mon)

We are taking, over (Blow)
Get used to it, (Blow)

This place about to blow-ow-o-o-o-o-ow
This place about to blow-ow-o-o-o-o-ow
This place about to blow-ow-o-o-o-o-ow
This place about to blow-ow-o-o-o-o-ow
This place about to